Thursday, August 12, 2004


Not really too sure what happened on the way home, but some of the kings boys jumped me. But they were nothing compared to the army of feminists, so i returned to Lykia by myself.

Finally the king is out of enemies and comes to the realisation that there's a bit of divinity in me... then from out of left field he says i should marry his daughter, gives me half of all his king duties and the most choice cut of land...

I wasn't really that keen, but after some thought i decided to take the plunge.

All the land and being a half king is pretty cool, but that wasn't why i did it... I just couldn't stop thinking about Proitos and Anteia. I can't wait for family functions. It's gonna be awkward!!! Anteia is gonna be pissed cause i'm with her sister, and Proitos is gonna feel like an emasculated shell of his former-self, when he realises that the king has a new favorite son in-law.

Sunday, August 8, 2004

attack of the giant lesbian land dwellers

these chicks were fierce, not to mention the least attractive group of females i have had the misfortune of meeting.

Friday, August 6, 2004

The king believes i'm his cleaning maid

yeh, i get back from my scuffle with the chimaira which i thought was a bit rough. and the king thought i did such a good job that i should just keep my armour on and go regulate the Solymoi. which was by no means easy, they fight dirty.

did that, fine. then he tells me i have to fight some women that hang out in Pontus,... i thought he was kidding.

he tells me they are called the Amazons. turns out this is linear A for "Neanderthal lesbian convent."

I found this exercise quite pointless, however, time must have been of the essence for the king, as they surely would just die out. unless of course they have some means of self-replicating or immaculate conception that the rest of the world is unaware of??

Thursday, August 5, 2004

Chimaira a fat bitch.

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

10th day. not good.

So i was woken up by this piercing light that abused my retina's, only to discover that the alcohol that was such a great idea last night, was now kicking me ass into the worst hangover of my life... and i know that phrase gets thrown around loosely these days, but zues and the alcohol gods must av had a vendetta against my brain.

to make matters worse, the king busts in with a txt msg from Proitos, which from the outset was not a good thing. the king looked pissed, but i must 'av made a good impression cause he let me explain my side of the story instead of bludgeoning my face in with a stiletto whilst i slept.

the king was pretty undecided bout the whole ordeal so he thought he'd kill two birds with one stone and get me to do some house-keeping to test my virtue. And if i succeeded he would be assured of my innocence...

Seemed like a fair test to me, however i fail to see the correlation between honesty and house-keeping.

little did i know, but turns out this small bout of house-keeping was actually killing the CHIMAIRA.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

hjgf,vh m njnj

Sunday, July 25, 2004


This place is dope!

The whole Proitos wanting to kill me thing must have got lost in translation... not really, as if i was gonna show him a letter that said "kill the person that gives this message to you" that's retarded.

anyway, the father in law has been throwing me a party for the last 4 days and it doesn't look like it's gonna stop for a while, so i won't be posting for the next few days. toga party.

The dude has killed like 4 oxes, oxz or oxen not sure, but apparently it's cause he's loaded and doesn't really like Proitos, thinks he's a poof.

Thursday, July 8, 2004

Proitos is pissed

Turns out Proitos doesn't like me talking trash bout his wife on a public forum as it has managed to get back to him. And apparently my recount of the events are quite contradictory to those as told by Anetia.

I thought he was gonna put his female back in line and administer a beating for lying... instead the fool says his gonna kill me... Doesn't! apparently cause he's too noble (not true), and can't kill a guest to his city. So instead he sends me to his father in-law, who he must hold in high regard, as he hopes he will be able to finish the job that he was too noble for... go figure. must be all that inbreeding.

Thursday, July 1, 2004

The would assailant

So today I was just enjoying the sunshine, frolicking with Pegs. He bailed to go eat some grass or something cool, and out of nowhere, Anetia: the promiscuous, little hussy wife of Proitos, jumps me and pins me down!

It is at this point I start to sweat profusely; she asks me all sorts of inappropriate questions which made me feel outright uncomfortable. Everyone knows that the slapper has syphilis, so using my hell sweet planning skills, i told her we should indulge in some bondage: tied her to the tree and ran...

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

today was really productive, i made an origami Pegasus, hope he likes it.

Monday, June 7, 2004

so me and pegasus were just hanging out and he had a really good idea... pegasus tattoo!

so this is my new back piece. i think it looks great, goes really well with my blue earings.

Monday, January 5, 2004

today i made this picture of Pegasus. i really like him.